Sunday, February 22, 2009

3 Months Old!

Jack is 3 Months old today! The surprising factor is not so much that he is 3 Months, but more that we are all still alive and well. In three months he has taught us so much. What have we learned you ask? (well even if you did not ask, I will share)
1. Sleep, is just sleep. We will get it again some day, for now, we will enjoy HOT showers and clean shirts. 
2. Dirty diapers are definitely a worthy conversation piece, even if it is a group setting and even if the rest of the group does not understand. 
3. So much changes every day, that change is the constant that keeps being a parent so exciting. 
4. That I am not able to say what I mean and I need a filter to translate what I mean before I post it on a blog as it does not always come across the way I have it in my head. I did not mean to hurt feelings or blame but more point out that as I am tired, it is more helpful to allow me to make mistakes as a first time parent and enjoy watching my learning process as I fumble through his first year of life. 
We hope you are all well 

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! 

The truth about Poop

So we are now in the know, as many new parents find themselves, about how most of your conversations turn to poop. At Jack's two month check up we asked the doctor why his poop was "not normal" (I will spare you the exact description as I realize it is TMI for most people). She was quick to test for abnormalities and when they were found she turned to me. She put my on a restricted diet to see if that would help. We went back today and were encouraged that there was no gross abnormalities at this time, but we will still monitor it. What does this mean? No dairy, soy, eggs, nuts, citrus or wheat. Yes, this little man is worth it, but no I don't have to like it. So much for Valentine's Day Chocolate, not that I needed it! So, our little 15 pound 5 ounce man is thriving and feeling better, and still really really enjoys his bath! I do too as long as there is no poop involved!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Waggie Ride

This weekend we took a walk instead of a wagon ride in honor of Tuesday. Before we know it Jack will be enjoying wagon rides too. I am so grateful for him, and I will enjoy each day that we have. He has so much to learn about this place and so much to teach me too. 

Hope you had a wonderful weekend. 

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hanging in there

So the little man is still sick, however we are now 5 days into it so we hope we will turn a corner in a couple days. He is definitely a water baby and LOVES to take baths. We found some soothing baby bath that was recommended for older babies, but we thought we could make it work if we don't use that much. Here are some photos from today. Uncle Newman is still taking the role of protector and watching over Jack to make sure we are doing our job! 

Hope you are all heathy!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Forgot to post the link

Here is the link for more information on the "waggie ride" for Saturday.

Here is the link for the blog of the Whitt family

In honor of Tuesday Fiona Whitt

Hello All, 

I am not usually one to pass on sad stories but this time I will. I have no connection to this family but was touched by their story. I have been following the blog "Go blog yourself" which is about the Whitt family. They have four children, one of whom died a week ago from Neuroblastoma (a very aggressive cancer). Her name was Tuesday Fiona Whitt and she was two years old. Tomorrow they are having a celebration of her life. One of her favorite activities was "waggie rides" or wagon rides. There is a family friend who is asking anyone who was touched by her life to go for a wagon ride in her honor, take a photo and send it to the link so that they can share the virtual wagon rides from around the world with her family to let them know how many people were touched by her life. So what am I asking? Check out her blog and tomorrow spend time remembering how special and grateful we are to experience love and family. We never know how much time we will have with them so cherish each day. Take a walk, go for a drive and if you happen to take a photo of it send it to the link below to share the love of family and life. 

Tuesday, your family is in my thoughts, and I am grateful for your story. 


Thursday, February 5, 2009

7 Hours!

Twas the night before last, well 2:45am in the morning actually, and Jack had been asleep since 8pm. Bryan was awake not knowing what to do since it was ALMOST 7 hours of straight sleep. So he kindly woke me up and asked if Jack had been awake before this. Of course NOT. So we were both awake until Jack started making noise 30 minutes later. Way to go Jack! 

Jack and I stayed home today laying low. I am feeling much better but Jack is fighting a cold and cough now. He still looks pretty adorable. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Number 1 Fan

So Jack has a Number 1 Fan (well maybe two), our ceiling fans to be exact. Ever since he was little he would wake up and stair and talk to these silly fans. Our friend so kindly pointed out well of course, they look like flying boobs. So now we call then FF (or flying fans, just like the bra size). 
As he is getting older he is starting to show more preferences for inanimate objects. We will start his favorite lists now. 
1. FF
2. The Boob tube (aka TV)
3. The curtains in his room. Have not figured out the connection to the boob on this one, but I am sure there is one. 
Yes, he is a boob man, just as his first hat proclaimed. I am not looking forward to all the jokes he will share with his dad in his teenage years, not that I expect him to get to teenage years for them to start! 

He doesn't look sick...

Is this why they say looks can be deceiving? 

We have been living in the germ factory for the last week, well, I am the germ and this is our factory. I have been sick since last Tuesday and woke up this morning with viral pink eye! You don't see photos of me today thank goodness! 

Bryan stayed home from work today to help us both but had to run into work for an hour. Jack is in good spirits though a bit congested. I thought he would enjoy a photo shoot in the bean bag with his favorite fan, the ceiling fan! 

Hope you are all healthy, 
