Friday, July 31, 2009

More Photos from Naomi Harrison Photography

If you need another Jack fix head over to this website: 

Jack and I met Naomi in Old Sacramento when he turned 8 month old and thought we would surprise Bryan with some MORE photos. These photos are absolutely amazing. I don't know how we will ever be able to afford all these photos! 



Sunday, July 19, 2009

Aria was Blessed!

Today Aria was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the No Clothes Spirit! (sorry I could not resist)

Jack and I went to Santa Rosa to celebrate. We were able to see Grandma Sarah, Grandpa Paul, Uncle Eric, Aunt Lola & Uncle David, cousins Sebastian and Aria and a lot of family & friends! We were lucky to meet Nova and Mark's daughter Acacia for the first time. It was such a nice treat to see everyone and Jack was a trooper. He waited until the last 10 minutes of the trip home to have a meltdown. BOY was I lucky because we were gone all day. He recovered quickly and Bryan was home soon after we arrived to help out. Bryan was able to enjoy the Celebrity Golf Tournament in Lake Tahoe with Phil and Uncle Chris. 

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend! 

Newman's new doo

Newman has a new hair cut. His last haircut was right before Jack was born. We tried a new groomer and they did a fantastic job. Our shaved kitty now is a bit safer from hair pulling Jack. Newman looks pretty happy doesn't he? 

BBQ Last Weekend

I forgot to post a couple photos from last weekend. We went to a BBQ with some of my coworkers in the NICU. Jack tried out a swimming pool for the first time. Not a huge fan, but mom and dad didn't join him, which may have been part of the problem! 

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Great Grandma Eva

Grandpa Paul and Jack

Great Aunt Carol and Jack

Great Grandma Eva & Jack

Great Grandma Eva and the Boys!

Jack has this great grandma named Eva (Evangeline) Van Diest. She lives in Arizona and swears that Jack gets his good looks from her. She is a very young 89 years old as she puts it and in her youth she made the trek to visit us here in California. When she came to visit today she was very concerned that there were no photos of her on the walls in our house (in fact there are really no photos on our walls at all). So to make her happy I thought I would post some on the walls of this very blog for so many more to enjoy than just us. The funny thing was trying to get a photo of both of them looking at the camera! Aunt Carol and Janelle were visiting too. I don't think I have seen Janelle for a very long time and though the visit was short it was so nice to see them (lame me did not catch that photo either-Sorry Janelle, come back so I can fix that!). 
Hope you are enjoying your week. 

Monday, July 13, 2009


Would you ever believe this little man is contagious, and not just his laughter... Gotta Love him! 

19 pounds, 14 ounces and a cough

We went to the doctor today to double check that we are on the mend. We both (Jack and I) came down with a cold Saturday night and had such a rough night that Bryan and I were both reminded how good we have it usually. We have not been so tired since he was a newborn. "Remember when we thought 5 hours in a row was a great stretch of sleep" 

We are on the mend, still growing like a weed and enjoying quiet time at home. I am off to take a shower and hope to get a better night sleep now that we are able to use baby Motrin! 

We hope daddy stays well...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Has anyone seen this Monkey?

So Jack has a FAVORITE monkey. It is the one animal that we have to leave in his bed everyday because if we don't well he might get lost. I have been searching for a new one, but at target where I bought it they changed the monkey to a new kind, where the nose is different and he did not take to it the same. I went online tonight to look for it and I came across blogs from other parents looking for this same monkey as it too was their child's security object. SO, if you happen to own one and are willing to part with it or come across a clean one, let me know for Jack's sake. 

I look at these photos below from March and April and I can't believe how much he has changed and how fast the time has gone. In four more months from now he will be approaching a year old. Who knew the time would fly SO fast. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Name that photo contest!

I've been looking for ways to find out who looks at the blog to get updates. Only a small few ever really comment but I hear many say they check it. I devised a plan, or maybe a contest, to encourage comments on this blog. The contest is name that photo. No don't tell me I am a bad mom, but give me a witty caption to name the photo below and you will win a prize. What prize? A copy of the photo mailed to you of course! If that is not a good enough prize then don't comment (but please name the photo anyway). Don't have an account, time to sign up, it will only take a few minutes and it is well worth it! Happy naming...

If you grow it, they will come

Jack is getting swallowed by the pumpkins! 

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Couldn't resist

Our newest toy...
Again, it is not for kids under three years of age, nor is it a life saving floatation devise. 

We still like it anyway...