Sunday, August 30, 2009

Jack's World

Jack is a man of many faces. He has always been full of personality but the extent of his presence seems to be multiplying.

He LOVES straws. If he is in a bad mood, good mood or tired mood he will play with a straw. Toy balls may be a close second...

He always takes the path of most resistance, usually involving climbing over people to get what he wants. Yesterday he found our stairs and managed to get up the first step, trying to get to Newman.

Jack talks. His newest word is "nana" for Newman. He pats his hand on the floor to call him while he babbles "nana-nana-nana"

He now has 4 teeth on top and two on the bottom... I am very afraid of him at times and have reverted to my mommy books to help me out on this one.

Jack has shown us that parenting is the hardest job we will ever or have ever done, however he makes it so easy to do it (yet we are very tired too).

He really likes cold water in a sippy cup, or in my cup or in a water bottle. He will drink so fast that he lets the water drip out his mouth just so he can drink more.

Jack LOVES dogs. Someday we will get one...

We love looking at the world through your eyes little buddy. Tomorrow is a whole new day.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Just playing...

River Cats

Jack went to the River Cats Baseball game last night.
He took his parents and friends Heather and Declan.
It was hot, muggy, loud and late.
He did amazingly well, a little clingly but no complaints from him.
Until... he wouldn't sleep last night. Has been awake from 2:30am.
Thank goodness for DVR and Lazyboy recliners.
He is finally asleep for a nap. I hope he is not getting sick right before our big trip.
Sleep baby sleep!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Can you believe this?

Happy Birthday Jack

1 day old
1 month old

2 months old

3 months old

4 months old

5 months old

6 months old

7 months old

8 months old

9 months old

Doctor Chen's Stats on Jack

We saw Dr. Chen this morning for Jack's 9 month well baby check up. Here is the summary of her stats:

Height: 29" or 75%
Head Circumference: 95%
Weight: 20 pounds 1 ounce or 41%

Jack is very healthy, very fun and growing like a weed. He is looking more like a 'real boy' than a baby. Jack is already talking saying"mom or mamamama, dadadada and hi". He is losing interest in eating at times because there is too much to do. He is ALL over the place and will pull himself up to a stand.

Jack's next big adventure is just around the corner. There will be a delay in posts but lots of photos to share when we return!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Family Updates

I realize it has been a couple weeks since I posted so I thought I would document a couple historical events from last weekend. Both Queen Mums celebrated their birthdays.

Happy Birthday to Grandma Sarah, August 14 and to Grandma Sharon Lea, August 17.

There are no photos from the parties, as we were not allowed to take our cameras past the security check point. Apparently they don't like to have visitors point and shoot. Just kidding, neither Bryan or myself remembered to take a photo. We are becoming relaxed in our boys old age...

We wish you both a very Happy Birthday and a great year to come.

9 months and still loving every minute

It has been about 17 months since we knew that we were expecting. In the last 17 months we learned it would be a boy, bought a house, moved, had baby Jack. We have been enjoying him ever since. Jack, you are one great kid...
This weekend Jack turned 9 months old. I will post his stats after his doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Happy week to you.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

To blog or not to blog

Blogging is therapeutic at times, though not always the best stage to air true feelings, thoughts and emotions. It is a great way to document and create memories, for those of us (really it is me I am talking about) who are not good at scrap booking, filling out baby books or even writing on calendars. It provides great distraction- like when you are trying not to go into your child's room because they are crying and you know it is better that they sleep. It shares updates for friends and family.
Even with all of these good reasons, I am considering whether it is good to keep blogging. Though I don't believe this is the time to stop there may come a time when Jack would rather I did not post his stats on the internet (or better yet he would rather do it himself). There comes a time when I may not remember to hold my tongue, or is it hold my fingers, on my thoughts that do not please everyone. There may come a time (or maybe it has) where my family questions what I post on the blog or ponders if it interfere with our privacy.
Why such a heavy post you ask?
I don't know.
I've just been thinking again, trying to figure out what is best for my family.
I originally started this blog to keep family and friends updated on our family and to help document Jack's first year of life as I would in a baby book.
What do you think?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Jack update

Jack loves to go to the park, unless it was tonight and you took him out of the garden to get there. He didn't realize we were going someplace fun and cried the whole way there. He sure did cheer up fast when he heard and saw the big kids. Speaking of big kids, look how big he is getting. Where did the time go?

He also LOVES the garden, well at least the dirt!
We might have a few ears of corn coming and tomatoes are starting to get ripe. We have been enjoying the squash and have been making lots of it for Jack. The pumpkins are growing and multiplying fast. Bryan estimates about 75 pumpkins now (if they all survive anyway).

Jack is now pretty mobile in many ways. His current favorite is the commando crawl. He also likes to sing, play, laugh, talk and shriek. He is eating so many new foods and we hope he soon will figure out how to small pieces of food (right now it is all mashed).

Jack had a rough night last night and woke up with a small temp and not feeling well. We can't figure out if it is teething pain, growing pain or something else. Bryan and I are so tired, but we still haven't learned our lesson (and are up getting things done instead) of going to bed when he goes to sleep. We both hope he sleeps better (well maybe we are hoping we will sleep better) and that he feels well enough in the morning to go to school and me back to work. We hope you enjoy your Friday and have a great weekend...

Gosh I love this kid!

Family Visits Part 3

Grandpa Paul came to visit on his way to Yosemite yesterday. We had such a nice visit and we hope that he has a great trip.