Sunday, April 26, 2009


Bryan and I were so tired this morning I am not sure why we bothered to get up. Maybe it was because our friend Kelly was a LIFE saver and came to babysit Jack while Bryan and I took some time to breath and actually have adult conversations (ahem, the grown up ones anyway). 

It was so needed and welcome and we are very grateful for you Kelly! 

We ended up taking a drive after lunch to Coloma and walked around the state gold mine park. It was a beautiful day and we successfully stayed awake the entire time (after a night of Jack waking up every hour to eat, I though the nights of 40 min naps were over but apparently growth spurts reoccur throughout their life...)! 

Jack had so much fun that when we put him in his crib tonight I think he was praying for his parents to invite Kelly back to play with him again (first photos above). 

Hope you all have a great night, sleep WELL! 


1 comment:

Kelly said...

I enjoyed every minute and look forward to my next playdate with my buddy Jack. He sure has a way of putting a smile on your face :)