Friday, February 13, 2009

The truth about Poop

So we are now in the know, as many new parents find themselves, about how most of your conversations turn to poop. At Jack's two month check up we asked the doctor why his poop was "not normal" (I will spare you the exact description as I realize it is TMI for most people). She was quick to test for abnormalities and when they were found she turned to me. She put my on a restricted diet to see if that would help. We went back today and were encouraged that there was no gross abnormalities at this time, but we will still monitor it. What does this mean? No dairy, soy, eggs, nuts, citrus or wheat. Yes, this little man is worth it, but no I don't have to like it. So much for Valentine's Day Chocolate, not that I needed it! So, our little 15 pound 5 ounce man is thriving and feeling better, and still really really enjoys his bath! I do too as long as there is no poop involved!

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