Sunday, February 22, 2009

3 Months Old!

Jack is 3 Months old today! The surprising factor is not so much that he is 3 Months, but more that we are all still alive and well. In three months he has taught us so much. What have we learned you ask? (well even if you did not ask, I will share)
1. Sleep, is just sleep. We will get it again some day, for now, we will enjoy HOT showers and clean shirts. 
2. Dirty diapers are definitely a worthy conversation piece, even if it is a group setting and even if the rest of the group does not understand. 
3. So much changes every day, that change is the constant that keeps being a parent so exciting. 
4. That I am not able to say what I mean and I need a filter to translate what I mean before I post it on a blog as it does not always come across the way I have it in my head. I did not mean to hurt feelings or blame but more point out that as I am tired, it is more helpful to allow me to make mistakes as a first time parent and enjoy watching my learning process as I fumble through his first year of life. 
We hope you are all well 

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