Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Doctor Chen's Stats on Jack

We saw Dr. Chen this morning for Jack's 9 month well baby check up. Here is the summary of her stats:

Height: 29" or 75%
Head Circumference: 95%
Weight: 20 pounds 1 ounce or 41%

Jack is very healthy, very fun and growing like a weed. He is looking more like a 'real boy' than a baby. Jack is already talking saying"mom or mamamama, dadadada and hi". He is losing interest in eating at times because there is too much to do. He is ALL over the place and will pull himself up to a stand.

Jack's next big adventure is just around the corner. There will be a delay in posts but lots of photos to share when we return!

1 comment:

Siri said...

So glad Jack's appointment went well! I can't believe he is 9 months already! Have a great time in Hawaii! Maybe Jack can learn how to pull himself to stand on a surfboard...!!!