Saturday, August 22, 2009

To blog or not to blog

Blogging is therapeutic at times, though not always the best stage to air true feelings, thoughts and emotions. It is a great way to document and create memories, for those of us (really it is me I am talking about) who are not good at scrap booking, filling out baby books or even writing on calendars. It provides great distraction- like when you are trying not to go into your child's room because they are crying and you know it is better that they sleep. It shares updates for friends and family.
Even with all of these good reasons, I am considering whether it is good to keep blogging. Though I don't believe this is the time to stop there may come a time when Jack would rather I did not post his stats on the internet (or better yet he would rather do it himself). There comes a time when I may not remember to hold my tongue, or is it hold my fingers, on my thoughts that do not please everyone. There may come a time (or maybe it has) where my family questions what I post on the blog or ponders if it interfere with our privacy.
Why such a heavy post you ask?
I don't know.
I've just been thinking again, trying to figure out what is best for my family.
I originally started this blog to keep family and friends updated on our family and to help document Jack's first year of life as I would in a baby book.
What do you think?


Kelly said...

I would be very disappointed if you stopped blogging but I also understand that it's not all about me. I enjoy reading about Jack's adventures and seeing his photos. Nothing takes the place of seeing Jack in person but this is the next best thing. By the way I don't scrapbook either and all of my son's photos (he'll be 18 soon) are still in boxes so I think this is amazing. You are a wonderful Mom!!!

Siri said...

Maybe I'm not the best person to comment since I just started my own blog...but I DO enjoy reading your blog Emily! With that said do what's right for you and your family. If it's really time for you to stop, I think you'll know that for certain. Maybe I'll be where you're at in another 8 months--evaluating this whole blog thing...