Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Bryan, Jack and I had a very busy Independence Day. We started the morning with the parade in downtown Roseville which happened to start right in the middle of Jack's morning nap. It was pretty neat. The kids were well entertained and LOVED the candy being thrown. They also liked playing in the street (did you catch the kid doing hand stands in  the middle of the street above- pretty cool). Jack is a good kid and loves people and this only happens once a year so we decided to try and forget the nap, right? 

So, after the parade we kept on trucking, went to a BBQ in East Sacramento (Bryan's annual shindig pre-Emily). We dropped of Bryan's famous home made ice cream (peach and vanilla) ate some appetizers and then headed up to Newcastle to join Melissa and Lindsy & their boys for a BBQ. Jack was pretty amazing and only had one meltdown (that was caught on tape anyway). Jack LOVED the puppies (photos were not caught on tape) and he was so tired by the end of the night was laughing at anything in front of him... Next year we will be running to keep him contained or something...
Oh yeah, the one crazy photo below is of Steve throwing a grape in Bryan's mouth. This has become a frequent game between the two of them... Is this something I should worry about? 

Thank goodness for daddy! Mommy just could not stop laughing. 
How was your 4th? 

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